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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

GeoFact of the Day Enthusiastically Endorses Kamala Harris

Of course, GeoFact of the Day tends to focus on topics relating to geography. However, this upcoming election in the United States has real-world implications and is important enough to write about. I respect your vote no matter who you vote for and respectfully wish to share my perspective. I cheerfully support Kamala Harris for multiple reasons including her dedication and compassion in multiple public service roles — not to mention that she likes freedom, justice, and democracy. She is forward-thinking in wanting to make sure future generations can have a comfortably inhabitable Earth. Also importantly, she can stop Trump from possibly taking the U.S. to a dark, depressing, and cruel place. Trump may distance himself from Project 2025 as much as he wants to, but he is known for being a liar and therefore we should assume that he will approve and institute the nefarious agenda. Thankfully, you can read what Project 2025 is and find out how it might impact you and your family.

You may be correct in mentioning some positive things that happened because of the Trump administration, but I cannot forget some of their truly awful decisions and occurrences. For example, Trump’s administration separated children from their parents at the southern border, and his intended mass deportation plan would only encourage more of that. Trump’s Muslim nation ban unfairly discriminated against whole countries that have many wonderful people who would have brought their skills, talent, expertise, and generosity if they were allowed to. These Muslim majority nations have scientists, researchers, doctors, etc. who might have made amazing discoveries for the world and helpful contributions to the U.S. They would have helped us address critical gaps in health care and other career sectors in desperate need of more help.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and Black Lives Matters protests — at a time when the U.S. needed uniting and compassionate leadership like never before — Trump held political rallies all across the country and spread misinformation (and the virus) while way too many Americans were dying. Other countries were able to unite their people to mask up and take social precautions seriously which halted the virus sooner; the U.S. under Trump was not able to. If you care about the future, you likely acknowledge the impact of climate change and how it might burden future generations with more difficulties. Trump likely does not care about people in the future — only himself and maybe his family. He even tried to roll back lifesaving environmental regulations; he didn’t mind us having more lead, mercury, and other toxins in our air and water, for example. Trump also supported "socialism" in the form of a trillion dollar tax cut that mostly benefited wealthy billionaires and large corporations, some of which used the benefits for buybacks and dividends and while not investing in their employees. Trump was a sore loser and could not accept the fact that he lost the 2020 election. I could go on and on, but I think you understand the gist of my concerns.

Trump supported the construction of potentially leaky oil pipelines over large Great Plains aquifers which provide clean water for many states. Several years ago, he proposed the idea of transferring Great Lakes water to drought-stricken California which would not have provided immediate relief, would have been an outrageously expensive endeavor, and would have negatively impacted recreational and economic opportunities (and the ecosystem) in the Midwest and beyond. This did not seem to make it on the news very often (especially Fox News), but President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris made tremendously needed investments in the Great Lakes states and every other state — including the politically red ones. An influx of federal funds is now funding all sorts of projects from sea to shining sea. Some states such as Michigan are making amazing progress and are using their federal funds wisely such as for lead pipe removal, improved roads, more amenities, and home renovations.

There are so many topics that can be talked about in light of the upcoming election, which explains the length of this post! Another important topic is democracy: who will encourage democracies around the world to remain steadfast, courageous, and vibrant in the face of adversity? Who will help keep democracies and allies united — like how President Biden and Vice President Harris cordially strengthened our alliances with most of Europe and the Americas and strived to accomplish the same for Asia, Africa, etc.? Trump sowed and is STILL sowing the seeds of discord, cruelty, false propaganda, and chaos. I somehow came across a 2010-dated article on Howard Stern’s website about Trump (↗) and found an insightful and prescient quote that might describe Donald Trump to a T. He quipped, “If you get good ratings, you can be the worst human being on Earth.” Now I would like to think this is just part of his sarcasm and dark humor, but I think it could be a foreshadowing of what will happen if voters give him another term. We deserve better: a leader who will bring out the best in us, not the worst. I confidently believe that leader is Kamala Harris! Please consider voting in this truly important election before or on Tuesday, November 5th. Early voting and voting by mail are wonderful options and provide more convenience for you; I hope your state allows you plenty of days to vote early or to mail in your ballot.

P.S. I can’t believe the election is coming this soon!

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