More than a couple dozen villages and towns in Arkansas (UNITED STATES) share the same names with countries and capital cities around the world. While not known as countries in the fully sovereign sense, England and Scotland are commonly known as countries nestled within the greater United Kingdom. Also, non-sovereign Palestine is recognized by 137 countries to be an official state as of December 2018. The table below lists every Arkansas town named after a country or capital city, followed by the county it is situated in. If a place is an incorporated community, the population count of that place is written in the third column. Logan, Mississippi, and Union counties each have two towns named after capital cities. Conway, Faulkner, Jefferson, and Van Buren counties each have one town named after a country and another town named after a capital city.
Capital Cities
Athens Berlin Damascus Dublin Havana Jerusalem Lisbon London (New) London Manila Moscow Paris Victoria* | Howard County Ashley County Faulkner and Van Buren counties Logan County Yell County Conway County Union County Pope County Union County Mississippi County Jefferson County Logan County Mississippi County | 382 375 1,039 3,342 3,532 37 |
* Victoria is the capital of the Seychelles islands, east of continental Africa.
Congo Denmark Egypt England Holland (Little) Italy Jordan Macedonia Palestine Saint Vincent* Scotland Slovak^ Sweden | Saline County Jackson and White counties Craighead County Lonoke County Faulkner County Perry and Pulaski counties Baxter County Columbia County Saint Francis County Conway County Van Buren County Prairie County Jefferson County | 112 2,825 557 681 |
* Saint Vincent and the Grenadines — ^ Slovak Republic (Slovakia)
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