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Officially known as the Kingdom of Lesotho and formerly known as Basutoland, LESOTHO is a landlocked and extremely mountainous country in ...

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Monday, November 26, 2018

National Geographic Bee Quiz — November 26th, 2018

National Geographic Bee Logo

Questions for this quick geography quiz are found on the National Geographic Geo Bee Quiz (↗) website. Keep testing your geographic knowledge (↗) with other quizzes from GeoFact of the Day. If there's a tricky question that you want to try answering correctly, search for a post or access the Countries page (navigation bar). Your answer might be found on GeoFact of the Day. Enjoy and good luck!

1)      In Florida and the West Indies, a small low-lying island usually comprised of coral or sand is known as a _____________.
A — cliff
B — key
C — atoll

2)      Hydroelectric damming of the Helmand River has caused conflict between AFGHANISTAN and a country to the west. Name this country.

3)      The westernmost part of the Jura Mountains is located in which European country?

4)      What condition is necessary for the formation of coral reefs?
A — warm ocean temperature
B — deep water
C — annual rainfall of 300 inches

Answers are listed below!


Question 1:
B . . . . . key

Question 2:
A . . . . . Iran

Question 3:
C . . . . . France

Question 4:
A . . . . . warm ocean temperature
More info about coral formation and conservation for coral survival is provided by the Coral Reef Alliance (↗).

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