"No one has ever heard of" it...😉
Officially known as the Kingdom of Lesotho and formerly known as Basutoland, LESOTHO is a landlocked and extremely mountainous country in ...
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The A to Z categories are based on the English language and inadvertently might not include all native country names.
There are many 'S' countries in the world, from Saint Kitts and Nevis in North America to Syria in the Middle East. The newest country in the world is an S country: South Sudan, which is found in North Africa. S countries are found in all areas of the world: on the continents of Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America, and in the Pacific Ocean (Samoa and the Solomon Islands).
Africa: Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, and Swaziland
Asia: Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, and Syria
Europe: San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland
North America: Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Oceania: Samoa and Solomon Islands
South America: Suriname
Go to the Countries page — below the blog's header image — to find individual posts about these countries.
Blog Content
● Content and graphics are created by me (pseudonym: Wonderful World), except when I credit other sources.
● I do not copy and paste from other websites. Therefore, all posts are original but may sometimes include information, links, and/or images from credited external sources. To use a GeoFact of the Day Blog image for your website or project, write a comment below a post — then I may approve your request.
● Feel free to offer comments, suggestions, and compliments on any post or page! You can be anonymous. Spam comments with non-relevant links will be deleted.
● Thanks for your loyal readership on the educational and reliable GeoFact of the Day Blog, in existence since 2008!
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