"No one has ever heard of" it...😉
Officially known as the Kingdom of Lesotho and formerly known as Basutoland, LESOTHO is a landlocked and extremely mountainous country in ...
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The A to Z categories are based on the English language and inadvertently might not include all native country names.
Africa has the most countries whose names start with a 'G' than other continents. In particular, all five 'G' countries in Africa happen to be in Western Africa. These countries are GABON, GAMBIA, GHANA, GUINEA, and GUINEA-BISSAU. The dark blue links open in new windows or tabs and lead you to individual posts about each country. To know countries in the world that start with the letters A through F and beyond, check out GeoFact of the Day posts labeled in the A to Z Countries Post Topic!
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● Content and graphics are created by me (pseudonym: Wonderful World), except when I credit other sources.
● I do not copy and paste from other websites. Therefore, all posts are original but may sometimes include information, links, and/or images from credited external sources. To use a GeoFact of the Day Blog image for your website or project, write a comment below a post — then I may approve your request.
● Feel free to offer comments, suggestions, and compliments on any post or page! You can be anonymous. Spam comments with non-relevant links will be deleted.
● Thanks for your loyal readership on the educational and reliable GeoFact of the Day Blog, in existence since 2008!
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