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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Amazing Race 31, Episode 6 Recap

The Amazing Race (U.S. version) season 31, broadcasted on CBS in 2019

In episode 6 (Season 31, April-June 2019) of the U.S. version of The Amazing Race on CBS, teams flew from Dubai International Airport in the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES to Entebbe International Airport in the city of Entebbe near Kampala, the capital of UGANDA. This episode originally aired on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 in the United States. Sorted by chronological order, here were the challenges and happenings encountered by teams in this episode:

● Teams walked up the Uganda National Mosque’s spiral staircase to the top of the minaret. They had to count the correct number of steps (272) before receiving the next clue.

Speed Bump: Because Elissa and Rachel were not eliminated after finishing last place in episode 5, they washed clothes by hand in soapy water and placed them on a clothesline before receiving their Roadblock clue.

Roadblock: One team member received a shopping list after seeking and finding a vendor in the Owino Market. He or she bought the list’s ingredients and cooked a rolex (flatbread with fried/rolled eggs and vegetables).

● Teams needed to find and meet with local boat builders at Ggaba Landing Site — a fish trading neighborhood off the shore of Lake Victoria — to receive their Detour clue.

Detour, choice between “Salty Roll” or “Move the Pole” at Ggaba Landing Site: Teams either transported a wheelbarrow of Nile perch then prepared it by washing, degutting, salting, and rolling the fish, or teams transported firewood on a bicycle to a market and stacked the pieces to a specified height.

Head-to-Head: Near another lakeside location, Jahazi Pier, one team member competed against an opposing team member. Competitors who didn't win in a round had to compete in the next round, and the competitor (and his/her teammate) losing the last head-to-head competition exited from The Amazing Race. Contestants tried to solve a puzzle involving four stacks of Ngoma drums, moving one drum at a time before organizing stacks that have drums of the same color. Notwithstanding the Britney-&-Janelle team's valiant effort and support of each other, Britney and Janelle lost the Head-to-Head competition and were subsequently eliminated from The Amazing Race.

Pit Stop: Jahazi Pier, shoreline of Lake Victoria

  Season 31, Episode 6
  First and Last Places at the Pit Stop

  1st — Korey Kuhl & Tyler Oakley
       1st place prize — Trip to SINGAPORE

  Last — Britney Godwin & Janelle Pierzina
       Eliminated from the competition? Yes (lost Head-to-Head competition)

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